Portfolio category: Show All

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Glynn Nicholas – Episode 1 to 6

As their lead comedy coach, Glynn will be with the students each day, guiding them through their workbook and introducing them to their guest comedians.

Brad Oakes – Episode 1

Brad's one of Australia's most experienced comedians, and will be kick start their comedy mentorship, focusing on joke writing and performance.

Mayumi Nobetsu – Episode 2

Mayumi will be teaching the comedy students to "strip away their fears". But what does that really mean?

Jack Levi – Episode 3

Jack's alter ego, Elliot Goblet, will focus on building character and dealing with hecklers.

Chris Franklin – Episode 4

Chris will show that comedy can be child's play. Or detention.

Joe White – Episode 5

Confidence is critical for stand-up comedy, and Joe white knows just how to emphasise that point.

Greg Fleet – Episode 6

It's the night to shine, and Greg Fleet is going to be there to make sure that happens.